Monday, October 23, 2006

Tournament Results

I enjoyed the tournament quite a bit. It was pretty fun. Unfortunately I didn't perform so well. Of the five games I had a bye, a loss, a draw, a win, and a final loss. Keeping score of the games were not necessary, but I chose to do so on my final game, and I feel it really distracted my play as I hadn't practiced scorekeeping prior to it.

I made some serious blunders in a few of my games. In the game that I drew, I had the advantage and blundered. My opponent counter-blundered leaving me with the advantage again. We made a few blunders each with him having the advantage at the end, but I managed to draw him. The errors I were making were probably from not preparing on real boards. Most of my practice was with computer opponents & tactical puzzles, leaving my OTB sight unprepared.

I didn't expect to be at any real competitive level yet anyhow. I pretty much entered in it for fun because it's also one of the last local ones for the year.

Anyway, back to training I go! I'll keep you posted about my current training progress and thoughts in a short while.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger SamuraiPawn said...

Hi there!

I’m trying to solve some problems with my new template and wondered if you could help me out. Could you please check out my blog and see if the layout is as it is supposed to, that is with the title “Samurai Chess” at the top of the page.

It seems that people with Internet Explorer 6.0 or older has problems viewing the page correctly, namely some problems with the scrolling function which puts the title and posts further down on the page.. Some have updated their IE to the new 7.0 which seems to have worked out fine. Please get back to me if you experience any problems.



/Chris aka Samuraipawn

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Board Scholar said...

Indeed. Your posts seem to start after the side-bar links. So there is quite a bit of white-space before the posts show.

At 2:58 AM, Blogger takchess said...

i had the same problem with writing down the moves in my first tourney. It helps to practice naming off all the squares when you can practice it. You can do this visualizing the board away from the board from both black and white perspective . good luck


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